Collaboration between Biosyn and German Egyptian Social & Scientific Relationships Association (GESR e.V.)

We are delighted to announce this promising collaboration between Biosyn and German Egyptian Social & Scientific Relationships Association (GESR e.V.) , which opens up numerous opportunities for our audiences.
German Egyptian Social&Scientific Relationships-GESR e.V. رابطة جسر

GESR is a non-profit association registered with German government departments, and its name was based on the first Latin letters of GESR – ..German Egyptian Social and Scientific Relationships. Thus, it is considered a bridge between Egypt and Germany on the scientific, social and cultural level. The association was established in October 2020 in presence of Egyptian scientists, doctors and engineers working in Germany, with the aim of transferring their experiences to our mother country and participating in the scientific development in Egypt by several ways including organizing scientific workshops, conferences and also by establishing a reliable network between scientists and thinkers in both countries.

Board of Directors

Dr.rer.nat. Nourhan Hassan (President) is a postdoctoral researcher in the field of molecular biology at the Department of Plastic Surgery at Cologne University Hospital and a faculty member at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University.

Dr.-Ing. Ahmed Barakat (Vice President), a researcher in the field of nanosystems dynamics and assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, and also a researcher at the Chair of Nano and Quantum Sensors at the Technical University of Munich.

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or contact us directly WhatsApp at the following numbers:
☎️ +2 (0) 1069151456
☎️ +2 (0) 1554052456
#Biosyn #GESR #Partnership #Opportunity #Students #HigherEducation #Academic #Education #collaboration

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